Andy Dé - Thought Leadership
"The Disruption triggered by COVID-19 has culminated in a "Renaissance in Healthcare!" Telehealth, Remote Patient Monitoring, Advanced Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Agentic AI/ AI Agents, Virtual Reality and Medical Robotics will enable us to digitally transform at scale, the delivery of high quality, affordable care for those who need it the most, in the foreseeable future. These are arguably, the most exciting times for Healthcare Innovation, we will likely experience in our life times!" - Andy Dé
Over the last 20 years I have been extremely fortunate to have an engaged readership audience across 47 countries with my Health Science Strategy Blog which has been widely referenced and has seen significant traction from my peers across the industry.
As a Healthcare and Life Sciences AI, Analytics and Digital Transformation visionary, evangelist, thought leader, and Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), I have been blessed with the opportunity to contribute to a number of leading Healthcare Industry Publications, Magazines and eZines thru my byline articles, blogposts, interviews and quotes in multiple languages, for which I am truly grateful.
I am humbled and delighted to curate, compile and offer a select portfolio of my currently relevant byline articles, blogposts, webinars and vodcasts/podcasts for my peers, my current and former colleagues, and my global audience across the Healthcare Industry below, as "food for thought" and enablers of Disruptive Innovation in Healthcare Analytics, AI, Medical Robotics and the Digital Transformation of Healthcare.
I hope you will find "the voice of my passion" and these insights valuable as a catalyst and driver of actionable strategies, blueprints and roadmaps for Healthcare Innovation, going forward.
In the Press - Byline Articles authored by or quoting Andy Dé, in leading Healthcare Publications and recent Podcasts
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Interview: 'Evaluating AI in Life Sciences - A Portfolio Management Approach with Andy Dé, Vodcast with Matthew Switzer, Co-Founder and Principal, Healthcare Sales Performance, January 2025. Watch the entire Vodcast on YouTube here.
Interview: 'Evaluating AI in Healthcare – A Portfolio Management Approach with Andy Dé', Vodcast with Matthew Switzer, Co-Founder and Principal, Healthcare Sales Performance, December 2024. Watch the entire Vodcast on YouTube here.
Forward looking POV: 'How Healthcare Providers & Payers can maximize Value & ROI from their AI enabled Use Cases using a Portfolio Management Paradigm' - an abridged version of this blogpost was published by MedCity News as a byline article - 'Why Healthcare Organizations (HCOs) need a Portfolio Management Approach to AI' in October, 2024.
'Best Practices in Value Based Consultative Selling of Enterprise Saas Software - Solving the Last Mile Problem' with Andy Dé - Excerpts from Fireside Chat (Vodcast) with Tom Pisello ("The ROI Guy") and April Morley on the Enterprise Value Collective Vodcast, September 2024. Watch the Vodcast on YouTube here.
'Q & A with Andy Dé, Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) at Verato', based on an interview with CityBiz, September 2024.
'The importance of Accurate Patient Matching for AI Projects' - Byline article authored by Avi Mukherjee and Andy Dé in HIT Consultant, August 2024.
'CMO Perspectives – The Importance of Value in Healthcare, Life Sciences and Beyond' - Fireside Chat (Vodcast) with Tom Pisello ("The ROI Guy") and April Morley on the Enterprise Value Collective Vodcast, May 2024. Watch the Vodcast on YouTube here.
'AI's Rising Impact in Healthcare - Preparing for What's Next' - Health Leaders white paper quoting Andy Dé, December 2023, articulating the takeaways from a Webinar (Fireside Chat) hosted by Health Leaders entitled 'The Art of the Possible with AI in Healthcare', co-presented with Ylan Kazi, Chief Data Officer (CDO), Blue Cross Blue Shield North Dakota, and David Schweppe, Chief Analytics Officer (CAO), MedeAnalytics, January 2024
'Value-Based Care Payments and Billing' - Fireside Chat (Vodcast) on Linked-In Live with MedeAnalytics and HSBlox, from the Impact Innovation Fireside Chat Series orchestrated by Andy Dé and sponsored by MedeAnalytics, March 2024
'Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and Value Based Care (VBC) - Challenges and Opportunities' - Fireside Chat (Vodcast) on Linked-In Live with David Bartley, Chief Product Officer (CPO), and Brian Norris, VP of Consulting, MedeAnalytics - from the Impact Innovation Fireside Chat Series orchestrated by Andy Dé and sponsored by MedeAnalytics, February 2024
'Contract Management for Value-Based Care (VBC) at Scale' - Fireside Chat (Vodcast) on Linked-In Live with MedeAnalytics and HSBlox, from the Impact Innovation Fireside Chat Series orchestrated by Andy Dé and sponsored by MedeAnalytics, January 2024
'The Art of the Possible with Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare' - Fireside Chat (Vodcast) on Linked-In Live with David Bartley, Chief Product Officer (CPO), David Schweppe, Chief Analytics Officer (CAO) and Brian Norris, VP of Consulting, MedeAnalytics - from the Impact Innovation Fireside Chat Series orchestrated by Andy Dé and sponsored by MedeAnalytics, December 2023.
'Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Analytics to improve Population Health Management (PHM) and Value Based Care (VBC)' - Fireside Chat (Vodcast) on Linked-In Live with David Bartley, Chief Product Officer (CPO), and Brian Norris, VP of Consulting, MedeAnalytics - from the Impact Innovation Fireside Chat Series orchestrated by Andy Dé and sponsored by MedeAnalytics, November 2023.
'Generative AI in Healthcare - Hype vs. Reality' - Linked-In Live Event (Vodcast) featuring Andy Dé, CMO, and David Schweppe, Chief Analytics Officer (CAO), from the Impact Innovation Fireside Chat Series orchestrated by Andy Dé and sponsored by MedeAnalytics, August 2023.
'The Benefits of Blogging and Thought Leadership' - Vodcast featuring Andy Dé published by the Urban Income Show, July 2023. Video of the podcast published on YouTube.
'Ten Traits of Successful Unicorn Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) in a Post GPT-4 Universe' - Byline article authored by Andy Dé and published by the Forbes Communications Council, May 2023.
'How Marketers can thrive in a Post GPT-4 Universe' - Byline article authored by Andy Dé and published by the Forbes Communications Council, April 2023.
'Leveraging AI, Analytics and Medical Robotics To Alleviate Caregiver Shortage and Physician Burnout in the Post-pandemic New Normal', MedCity Influencers Point of View (POV) authored by Andy Dé and published by Med City News, February 2023.
'Understand your Target Customer's Pain and Innovate with Healthcare AI and Analytics faster than your Competition', Vodcast delivered by Andy Dé and published in Med Tech Gurus, February 2023.
'Building Agility for the Future of Healthcare' - Health IT Manager's Journal - HIMSS published thought leadership on Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Best Practices featuring case studies from Presbyterian Health System (PHS), Wise Health System and Oregon Health and Science University (OSHU) quoting Andy Dé, December 2022.
'Enhancing Clinical and Financial Performance with Self-Service Analytics at Wise Health System' - HIMSS published case study quoting Andy Dé, October 2022.
'In the throes of the Great Resignation, is it time to find your Ikigai?' Byline article authored by Andy Dé published by the Forbes Communications Council, July 2022.
How adopting Self-Service Analytics can improve Clinical and Financial Performance - Health Leaders article quoting Andy Dé, June 2022.
How an analytics solution for integrating clinical and claims-based data unlocked actionable insights for Kaiser Permanente - Becker’s Hospital Review article quoting Andy Dé, January 2022.
Empowering Information Consultants to Evolve into Trusted Advisors with Employer Reporting at Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island (BCBSRI) - Healthcare Innovation article quoting Andy Dé, September 2021.
How Predictive Analytics can improve Patient Care and Health Outcomes at Concerto Care - Becker’s Hospital Review article quoting Andy Dé, September 2021.
Leveraging Self-Service Analytics at the Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) - HIMSS authored Case Study on Self-Service Analytics quoting Andy Dé, August 2021.
Data Overload – The best ways to manage and interpret Data - Byline article authored by Andy Dé published in PM 360 (USA), November 2020.
So helfen KI-Systeme und Roboter in der Post-Corona-Zeit (in German) - Byline article authored by Andy Dé and published in German in in Germany, November 2020.
Dr. Robot, assist you: This is how AI and Robots help in the post-Corona Period (in German and English) - Byline article authored by Andy Dé and published in German in Electronic Praxis in Germany, November 2020.
The Power of Collective Intelligence - Byline article authored by Andy Dé published in Health-Tech World in the UK, October 2020.
Dr. Robot, please assist: How AI Systems and Robots can help in the Post-Corona Period (in German and English) - Byline article authored by Andy Dé and published in German in Device Med in Germany, October 2020.
Robots, Analytics and the Future of Healthcare Delivery - Byline article authored by Andy Dé published in Health IT Outcomes, September 2020.
How Coram CVS Specialty harnessed an Analytics Automation Platform to hit four (4) key objectives - Becker’s Health IT article quoting Andy Dé, September 2020.
Why Healthcare needs Analytics: 12 Challenges arising from COVID-19 - Byline article authored by Andy Dé published in Health IT Outcomes, July 2020.
HIMSS highlights: How Health IT companies navigate the COVID-19 Pandemic Landscape - Med City News article quoting Andy Dé, April 2020.
How to deploy actionable insights to drive efficiencies and cost-savings with supply chain management in Healthcare - Becker’s Hospital Review article quoting Andy Dé, September 2019.
Why Healthcare Analytics will deliver more results in 2019 - Byline article authored by Andy Dé, published in Health Data Management (HDM), January 2019.
How Self-Service Analytics fuels Operational Excellence in Healthcare - Byline article authored by Andy Dé, published in CIO Review, February 2017.
'How Healthcare is getting more personal and effective with Precision Medicine' - Byline article authored by Andy Dé, published in Healthcare Innovation, January 2017.
How Precision Medicine will support Population Health Management - Byline article authored by Andy Dé, published in Health Data Management (HDM), September 2016.
Visual Data Analytics makes Genomics in Healthcare possible - Search Health IT / Fierce Healthcare article quoting Andy Dé, February 2016.
Three (3) Top Business Intelligence, Analytics Healthcare Trends for 2016 - Byline article authored by Andy Dé, published in Health Data Management (HDM), January 2016.
Helping Tell a Story thru Data - Modern Healthcare article quoting Andy Dé, October 2015.
Andy Dé's Blogposts published in Health Science Strategy Blog
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Why 'Agentic AI' will prevail and subsume 'Gen AI/ LLMs' to maximize Value and ROI in Healthcare
'Why does Healthcare and Life Sciences need a Portfolio Management Approach to AI' (1 of 3)
Four (4) Predictions for Healthcare Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in 2022-23
Addressing the Opioid Epidemic in North America with Nobel Prize winning Innovation
COVID-19, HIMSS20 and the Digital Transformation of Healthcare
How will AI and Analytics impact Healthcare Providers, Pharma, Medical Devices and Diagnostics?
How will AI and next-generation Analytics drive ‘Value-based Innovation’ in Healthcare?
Will Apple Health and the Apple Watch truly empower ePatients for Personal Health Management?
Thought Leading, Value-Based Webinars on Analytics Innovation with Healthcare and Life Sciences Industry Leaders delivered and orchestrated by Andy Dé
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MedeAnalytics Webinar (Fireside Chat) - 'The Art of the Possible with AI in Healthcare', co-presented with Ylan Kazi, Chief Data Officer (CDO), Blue Cross Blue Shield North Dakota, and David Schweppe, Chief Analytics Officer (CAO), MedeAnalytics.
MedeAnalytics Webinar - 'Harmonizing Clinical and Financial Data to enable actionable insights for Employers and Brokers at Kaiser Permanente', co-presented with Kathryn Elder and David Holt, Kaiser Permanente.
MedeAnalytics Webinar - 'Empowering Information Consultants to evolve into Trusted Advisors at Blue Cross Blue Shield Rhode Island (BCBS RI)', co-presented with Angelo Pirri, BCBS RI.
MedeAnalytics Webinar - 'Enhancing Clinical and Financial Performance with Analytics at Wise Health System', co-presented with Alyssa Maxwell, Director of HIM, Wise Health System, Texas
MedeAnalytics Webinar - 'Measurably improving Case Mix Index, CC/MCC Capture Rates and Physician Engagement at the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU)', co-presented with Dr. Angela Alday and Jennifer Grubb, OHSU, Oregon.
MedeAnalytics Webinar orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Enabling a Data and Insights driven Analytics Transformation at Presbyterian Health System', featuring Soyal Momin, Chief Analytics Officer (CAO), Laura Calkins, VP of Revenue Cycle Management (RCM), and Jay Olive, Director of Business Intelligence, Presbyterian Health System (PHS).
Alteryx Webinar - 'Delivering Value with Claims Processing Analytics at Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina', co-presented with Sarah Golnik Roberts, Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBS NC).
Alteryx Webinar - 'Automating Membership Reporting with Analytics Process Automation (APA) at Kaiser Permanente', co-presented with Jothsna Rao, Kaiser Permanente.
Alteryx Webinar - 'How Coram CVS optimized Claims Processing with Automated Analytics', co-presented with Brandon Von Kaenel, Coram CVS.
Alteryx Webinar - 'Leveraging AI and Analytics to track Disease and Pandemic Outbreak, Surveillance and Rapid Response', (YouTube Video) co-presented with Deana Sanchez, Principal, PK Consulting Inc.
Alteryx Webinar - 'How SCAN Health Plan fought Fraud perpetrated by Predatory Pharmacies', co-presented with Katherine Yue and Cassandra Olsen, SCAN Heath Plan. [Please register to view the webinar]
Alteryx Webinar orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Creating a Data Foundation for a Healthcare Supply Chain Management at SCL Health', (YouTube Video) featuring Kris Walker, Director of Supply Chain Analytics, SCL Health System (now a part of Intermountain Healthcare).
Tableau Webinar - 'Providence St. Joseph's Health: Driving Value based Patient Care, Quality and Cost Efficiencies', co-presented with Dr. Ari Robicsek, Chief Analytics Officer (CAO), Providence Health and Services. [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Conference Webinar - 'Improving Diabetes Care with Data Informed Insights', (YouTube video) presented with Michael Shen, Senior Consultant, Kaiser Permanente.
Tableau Webinar - 'Humana - Powering Digital Health and Wellness with Self-Service Analytics' , co-presented with Jim Gregory and Douglas DelVecchio, Humana. [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Webinar - 'Orchestrating a BI Revolution with Self-Service Analytics at Blue Cross Blue Shield of North-Carolina', co-presented with Chris Schultz, BI Architect (now Principal, Healthcare Innovation at IQVIA), Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBS NC).[Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Webinar - 'Health First: Using Data and Analytics to provide the best Healthcare possible', co-presented with Steven Previtt and Ryan Cannon, Health First. [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Webinar - 'Managing Population Health Risk at NorthShore Leveraging Clinical Analytics from EPIC and Tableau', co-presented with Chad Konchak and Justin Lakemann, Northshore University Health System. [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Webinar - 'Visual Analytics for Evidence-Based Care at the Providence Brain and Spine Institute', co-presented with Alyx Lysko and Leslie Corless, Providence Brain and Spine Institute. [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Webinar - 'How UC Irvine Uses Data Segmentation and Community Health Assessments for Better Patient Insights', co-presented with Charles Boicey, Chief Innovation Officer, Clear Sense and Chuck Podesta, CIO, University of California Health System, Irvine. [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Webinar - 'Healthcare Analytics at the University of Michigan Health System – a Cinderellesque story', co-presented with Jonathan Greenberg, Director of Fast Analytics, Michigan Medicine. [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Webinar - 'Northwell Health - Delivering Accountable Care thru Visual Analytics', co-presented with Mohamed Humiadi and Choukri Messaoudi, Northwell Health. [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Webinar - 'Envision Home Care Services - Delivering Value with the Balanced Scorecard', co-presented with Jennifer Gardner and Deb Walsh, Envision Home Healthcare Services. [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Webinar orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Empowering Clinicians at Kaiser Permanente with Visual Analytics in Medical Imaging and Kidney Disease Care', featuring Dana Barnes, David Selavan, and Eduard Gelman, Kaiser Permanente. [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Conference Presentation orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Using Tableau in a Command Center Environment at Optum/ United Healthcare (UHC)', featuring Larry Mullen, Senior Director, Operations Intelligence, Optum/ United Healthcare (UHC).
Tableau Webinar orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Driving ACO Growth and Medical Cost Savings at Cigna', featuring Paul Van Dorpe and Jo Ann Bidwell, Cigna. [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Conference Presentation orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Leveraging Visual Analytics to enable Dynamic Vendor Scorecards to enhance Supply Chain Performance at the Mayo Clinic', (YouTube video) featuring, Brian Pringle, The Mayo Clinic.
Tableau Webinar orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'How Innovative Genomic Data Insights enable Precision Medicine', featuring, Aaron Black, Chief Data Officer (CDO), Inova Translational Medicine Institute. [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Webinar orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Improving Emergency Department Throughput at Johns Hopkins Hospital', featuring Hetal Rupani, Director of Business Intelligence, Johns Hopkins Medicine [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Webinar orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Agile Analytics at Providence Health: 'Real World' leverage of Visual Analytics to drive Healthcare Transformation' featuring Dr. Karin Larson-Pollock, Chief Health Outcomes and Chief Quality Officer, Providence Health & Services [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Conference Presentation orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Cleveland Clinic: Powering clinical and operational excellence with EPIC and Tableau', featuring Joan Thompson and Michael Mann, the Cleveland Clinic.
Tableau Webinar orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Empowering a Cardiovascular Physician with Visual Analytics to Optimize Pain and Sedation Management at Texas Children's Hospital', featuring Dr. Barbara Jo-Achuff, Cardiac Critical Care, Texas Children's Hospital [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Webinar orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Integrating Advanced Analytics into the BJC HealthCare Supply Chain', featuring Lynn Kersting and Robert Royer, Barnes-Jewish (BJC) Healthcare [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Webinar orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Delivering Measurable Value at Seattle Children's through Supply Chain and Inventory Management', featuring Jason Klein, Seattle Children's Hospital. [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Webinar orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Massachusetts General Hospital: Enabling Continuous Quality Improvement with Data', featuring Andrea Tull, Director of Reporting & Analytics, Massachusetts General Hospital. [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Webinar orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Driving Population Health Management with Visual Analytics at Mount Sinai Health', featuring Deepesh Chandra, Director of IT and Analytics (now Chief Analytics Officer at Bon Secours Health System), Mount Sinai Health System.[Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Webinar orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Data driven Performance Analytics at NYU Langone Medical Center', featuring Austin Montgomery, VP Services, Prominence Advisors and Jeff Shein, Senior Director, Data Warehousing and Analytics, NYU Langone Medical Center. [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Webinar orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Improving Operating Room Patient Flow with Real-Time Data at Florida Hospital', featuring Ashley Simmons (now VP of Clinical Outcomes, UF Health), Director of Innovation, Florida Hospital now Advent Health System. [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Webinar orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Enabling Precision Medicine with Tableau and Amazon AWD', featuring Aaron Black, Chief Data Officer (CDO) at the Inova Translational Medicine Institute. [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Conference Presentation orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Healthcare Analytics at SOC TeleMed - from Insights to Results', (YouTube video) presented by Robyn Baek, VP of Analytics, SOC Telemed (now part of Access Healthcare) [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Webinar orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'How Stamford Hospital used Data to save $ MM', featuring Divya Malhotra, Director of Analytics and Innovation, Stamford Health System. [Please register to view the webinar]
Tableau Conference Presentation orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Memorial Hermann: Using Visual Analytics to deliver Insights to Healthcare Providers', (YouTube video) featuring Paul Lampi and Sameer Khan, Memorial Hermann Health System.
Tableau Conference Presentation orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Measurably Impacting the Opioid Epidemic in the State of Alberta thru Visual Analytics', (YouTube video) featuring Dr. Hussain Usman, Alberta Health Services.
Tableau Conference presentation orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Cerner and Tableau's HealtheIntent - Advancing Health and Care', (YouTube Video), featuring Peter Smart, Cerner (now Oracle Healthcare).
Tableau Conference keynote presentation - 'Pfizer deploys Tableau to 25,000 employees to increase collaboration and uncover insights', featuring Debbie Reynolds, VP of Data and Analytics Innovation, Pfizer.
Tableau Conference Presentation orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Building a culture of Self-Service Analytics at Janssen Pharmaceuticals (J&J), (YouTube video) featuring Jennifer Hirsch, Janssen Pharmaceuticals (J&J)
Tableau Webinar orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Improving Patient Outcomes and Clinical Trials with Visual Analytics at Takeda Pharmaceuticals', featuring Julia Curran and Stephen Van Neste, Takeda R&D Data Sciences Institute, a division of Takeda Pharmaceuticals.
Tableau Conference presentation orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Creating a user determined Spend Analytics experience at McKesson' (YouTube Video), featuring Kaci Dominguez and Patrick Whalin, McKesson Pharmaceutical: Pharmacy Services and Solutions.
Tableau Conference presentation orchestrated by Andy Dé - 'Stryker Endoscopy: Enabling Strategic and Collaborative Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP)', featuring Eric Elmblad from Stryker Endoscopy.
Tableau webinars with Boston Scientific and Stanley Healthcare orchestrated by Andy Dé.
The Blue Cross Blue Shield National Health Index powered with Tableau, that quantifies over 300 different health conditions to identify which diseases and conditions most affect Americans' longevity and quality of life. It is powered by annual data from more than 41 million BCBS members, commercially insured Americans, and is visualized in Tableau.
Andy Dé's Thought Leadership Contribution to his Employers
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Contributed Blogposts to the Mede Analytics Impact Initiative Blog [Current Employer]
Contributed Blogposts to the Alteryx Input Blog [Previous Employer]
Contributed Blogposts to the Tableau (a Sales Force company) Insights Blog [Previous Employer]
Andy Dé's recognition as a Healthcare Industry Thought Leader
Official Member, Influencer and Contributor to the Fast Company Executive Board, July 2023.
Featured as a "Healthcare Industry Guru" on 'Digital Transformation in Healthcare' comprising Artificial Intelligence (AI), Analytics, Tele-Health, Remote Patient Monitoring and Medical Robotics, in the Med Tech Gurus Podcast, February 2023.
Recognized as a Med City News Influencer by Med City News, with publication of this byline article, February 2023.
Official Member and Influencer of the Forbes Communications Council, June 2022.
HIMSS19 Social Media Ambassador recognized by the Healthcare Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS), December 2018.
HIMSS18 Social Media Ambassador recognized by the Healthcare Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS), December 2017.
'One of the Top 50 Healthcare IT Experts on Twitter' in 2016 recognized by Health Data Management (HDM) (web-page does not exist anymore)
Invited Thought Leader Speaker at a Panel Discussion on 'Look who's talking: Newborn Genomic Data enables Precision Medicine' (click to see the video) at the prestigious Digital Health Summit at CES 2016 in Vegas. Speakers: John Lynn, Founder,, Aaron Black, Chief Data Officer (CDO), Inova Translational Medicine Institute, and Andy Dé, Global Managing Director and General Manager (GM) for Healthcare and Life Sciences, Tableau, January 2016.
'One of the Top 25 Healthcare IT and Social Media () Contributors on Twitter' in 2010 recognized by the HL-7 Standards Blog and (web-page does not exist anymore but here is a copy of the badge below)
As always, I welcome your comments on this blogpost and via twitter at @HITstrategy – please stay safe and blessed!
Disclaimer: The perspective and views expressed in this blog post are my own and do not represent those of my current or previous employers.