Product & Customer Marketing

Enable Revenue Growth 10-25% and the Life Time Value (LTV) of the Customer, thru a Competitive Marketing Strategy and differentiated, value-driven Product + Customer Marketing and Sales Enablement
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Market Sensing and Market Research to Penetrate New Market Spaces

Identify new market spaces that can be competitively addressed by your platform, solutions and services, with TAM ($) and SAM ($) and validate opportunity with industry analysts, customers and thought leader prior to entry

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Competitive Marketing Strategy to Grow Mind and Market Share

Identify the executive buyer and influencer personas with pain points and a “burning platform” that your platform, solutions and services can competitively address, based on VALUE meaningful for them and impacts their metrics, KPIs, their teams and their careers. Craft a pragmatic and budgeted Marketing Strategy and Execution Plan addressing Platform / Solutions / Services, Positioning and Messaging, Pricing and Packaging, Sales Channels and your Partner Ecosystem to drive revenue growth, pipeline and market valuation

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Value-Based Positioning and Messaging to Differentiate and Win

Articulate your differentiated value proposition (platform, solutions, services, releases and roadmap) for your target buyer(s) and influencer(s) driven by measurable VALUE – NOT your feature/functionality

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Value-Based Customer Success Proof Points to accelerate Deal Closure

Substantiate your positioning and messaging with customer success proof points and testimonials of the value delivered by your platform, solutions and services. Recognize customers thru Customer Advocacy and Awards.

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New Product Introduction and New Product Launches aligned with Industry Best Practices

Support new product introduction from a product + customer marketing and sales enablement perspective and craft holistic, best practice new product launch plans with early adopter customers, from strategy to planning to execution to maximize awareness, revenue and pipeline impact.

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Value-Based Consultative Selling against your Competition

Train, certify and enables your sellers to articulate the value from your platform, solutions and services with confidence using proven value based consultative selling best practices. Ensure that the demos delivered are aligned with your Value and showcase your Key Differentiators against the competition.

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Strategic Deal Support to improve Win-Loss and Exceed Sales Targets

Support sales in transforming opportunities into closed sales with targeted value-based positioning and messaging, customer success stories and competitive differentiators, aligned with the Target Buyer’s needs and pain points.